5 Important Ethical Considerations for Virtual Photographers

5 Important Ethical Considerations for Virtual Photographers

Hi Picashot fam,

Just like every art form, the virtual gaming photography industry has ethics and values that we are supposed to follow and abide by to show respect for other people’s art. While virtual photography involves capturing and sharing in-game screenshots (and videos) made by other game developers, this art form also raises several ethical considerations. These considerations revolve around issues such as authenticity, representation, and the impact of virtual photography on the gaming community.

A dive into the ethics of VP

  • Representation and Dignity

Virtual photography involves capturing images of characters, avatars, or virtual worlds. It is essential to represent individuals and communities with dignity and respect. This means avoiding creating or disseminating images that encourage stereotypes, promote discrimination/harassment, or cause harm to marginalized groups. You should strive to create inclusive and diverse representations that celebrate the richness of the gaming community.

  • Authenticity and Manipulation

With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) in photography, there is a need to consider the ethical implications of image manipulation and the potential for misleading or deceptive representations. It is important that you are transparent about any modifications or enhancements made to the images you share to avoid misrepresenting the reality of the game or its players. It is important to note however that AI-generated photos are not allowed on Picashot as the goal is to share your own creations with the community.

  • Community Guidelines and Toxicity

In any virtual gaming photography community that you belong to, you should adhere to the guidelines and rules set by game developers and platforms. With Picashot, we put in place filters to turn on while uploading on the app for every user to be mindful of spoilers or any explicit content. These guidelines also include refraining from engaging in toxic behavior, such as harassment, bullying, or spreading hate speech. We all have a duty to make the world a better place. We must contribute to fostering a positive and inclusive gaming environment.

This is probably the most thought-of ethic in virtual photography. As a virtual photographer, you should respect the intellectual property rights of game developers and other creators. This means not using or distributing copyrighted material without permission or credit. Do not take other virtual photographer’s photos and put your name on them like it’s yours. Do not edit another’s photos without permission to do so. Additionally, ensure that you check out the terms of service and licensing agreements of the games you capture images from.

  • Balancing Artistic Expression and Responsible Conduct

Virtual photography is an art form. With VP, you are allowed to express your creativity in the many ways you can but it is important to strike a balance between creative freedom and responsible conduct. This includes considering the impact of virtual photos on the gaming community and being mindful of the potential consequences of sharing certain types of images. Be careful not to spread explicit photos on platforms you belong to, if not specifically asked.

Be Mindful

It is worth noting that these ethical considerations are not exhaustive, and the virtual photography industry continues to evolve daily. Game developers, virtual photographers, and the gaming community as a whole will continue to engage in discussions and reflections to ensure that these ethics are followed and that the industry remains a positive and inclusive space for all.

Photos from @FlibbleyNovA, @astrayn, @pariszelfora

Cover Photo from @astrayn